We are still accepting applications for the 2024-2025 school year - 适用于今天!

食品服务 Grades 9-12


注意: If this is your first time 订单ing food, 参见下面的说明 to set up an account and learn 如何 to use our 订单ing platform.


We are excited to be serving the EC community through food!

Our team works out of the kitchen in the high school campus, 鹰咖啡馆, where students can purchase food and enjoy fellowship in the ditto Commons. 

高中 students may pre-订单 lunches, and/or purchase breakfast, lunch, and snacks.

EZ School Apps will be used for seamlessly 订单ing and planning student meals. This software is a cloud-based program that you can easily access from your phone or computer. 父母 can pre-订单 meals and upload funds to student’s accounts via the security of PayPal. 

Orders may be placed week by week, or as far out as one month in advance. The deadline for pre-订单ing food 接下来的一周 will be the Tuesday prior by 11:59 PM. This gives the food service team enough time to plan, 订单, and prepare accordingly to minimize waste.

Below you will find instructions for signing up with EZ School Apps, 如何预订餐点, 和鹰咖啡馆的政策. Please feel free to email any one of our staff members with questions you may have. 有一个伟大的学年!


学习如何 创建帐户. Once an account is created, you’ll be walked through the 订单ing process.






开始日期: 2022

教育: B.S. ——家庭 & 消费者科学, Messiah College

Cheryl grew up going to EC and graduated in 2014, then attended Messiah College where she received a degree in Family & 消费者科学. She was a Culinary 艺术 teacher in Westwood for four years, and is excited to be returning to EC in a brand new position. Cheryl is looking forward to bringing life back into the lunch program for all three EC schools. She believes food is a gift from God that provides both nutrition for our bodies, as well as a form of art to enjoy. 她的丈夫, 克里斯, 是一名警察, and they enjoy serving together at Emergence Church in the Sunday school. If they’re not traveling or at a sporting event, Cheryl loves decorating and baking new recipes at home.





开始日期: 2023

教育: A.A.S - Degree in Culinary 艺术, PCCC


Victoria grew up in Totowa, NJ. She is an avid athlete and has played on multiple softball teams. She also enjoys teaching dance, snowboarding, and playing the guitar. Tori’s true passion has always been for cooking and creating new recipes. She decided to take her love of cooking, and pursue a career in Culinary 艺术. She is happy to be able to combine her heart for people, along with her joy in food preparation and service, here at Eastern 克里斯tian School. She considers it a privilege to use the gifts God has given her to minister His love to those around her.


  • Pre-订单ed food items will be paid for in the EZ School Apps account. Funds may be pre-loaded by credit card (via PayPal) or check written out to “ECSA”发起 and given to the school’s office in an envelope labeled “食品服务”. 
  • The deadline for pre-订单ed food is 周二晚上11:59 接下来的一周. 
  • 鹰咖啡馆 items may be purchased with funds in EZ School Apps or cash. Credit cards and checks are not accepted in the cafeteria at this time. 
  • If a student is absent on the day they have pre-订单ed food, the deduction will be considered a donation to Eastern 克里斯tian. We appreciate your understanding of this policy.
  • 高中 students with pre-订单ed meals will pick up their food in the 鹰咖啡馆 and confirm their pick-up at the register. 
  • 鹰咖啡馆, located at the high school, will open at 7:30 AM for breakfast, during breaks between blocks, 午餐时.
  • Sales will not be permitted during class time. 学生 will be informed and turned away from sales to uphold this rule.
  • 鹰咖啡馆 will close after the start of fourth block. 


Bookmark the food 订单ing page on your mobile device for easy access! 学习 如何.

看看这些食物! 好吃。!

See what a 克里斯t-centered education looks like for your child.
